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You Don’t Have to Live with Sagging Eyelids

If people often ask whether you’ve been getting enough sleep, even after you’ve had a good night’s rest, or if your drooping or sagging eyelids restrict your field of vision, you might have ptosis. This condition can naturally occur as part of the aging process or may be congenital.

Sagging eyelids can make you look older than your years and can lead to vision problems including eye strain. No matter why you have the condition, you don’t have to live with sagging eyelids.

Raymond Douglas, MD, PhD, specializes in eyelid surgery and the treatment of ptosis. His innovative techniques mean better results with fewer surgeries, minimizing your overall recovery time and clearing your field of vision as quickly as possible.

Why do eyelids sag?

Several factors could contribute to your sagging eyelids. While aging is the most common cause of ptosis, the condition can also be congenital or can result from trauma.

As you age, your skin naturally loses youthful elasticity. However, ptosis isn’t caused by loose skin alone. With ptosis, the levator muscle in your upper eyelid stretches or even separate and no longer works well to hold up your eyelid against the force of gravity. As a result, your whole eyelid begins to droop and sag, potentially intruding into your eyes as far as your pupils.

Some people seek treatment for ptosis due to the appearance of droopy lids, which can cause you to look unfocused or older. In advanced cases, your drooping lids may sag enough to restrict your field of vision, leading to issues like eye strain.

Treatment for your ptosis problem

If you’re troubled by the appearance of your sagging eyelids, or if you’re experiencing problems with vision related to ptosis symptoms, get in touch with Dr. Douglas. He and his care team can correctly diagnose your ptosis and suggest the best treatment plan to resolve your symptoms and restore the appearance of the area surrounding your eye.

If you need eyelid surgery to treat your ptosis, you can trust that you’re in expert hands with Dr. Douglas. Ptosis repair is an outpatient surgery. 

During the procedure, Dr. Douglas creates an incision in your eyelid crease that allows him to tighten or support your weakened levator muscle. In this way, he can restore the functionality and appearance of your eyes, getting your drooping eyelids out of the way.

To find out more about treatment for your drooping or sagging eyelids, contact Raymond Douglas, MD, PhD, at his state-of-the-art office in Beverly Hills, California, today. You can schedule an initial consultation appointment by calling 310-657-4302, or you may leave Dr. Douglas a message online.