Facial Fullness

Restoring Facial Fullness With Your Own Fat

Picture of Raymond Douglas, MD PHD

Raymond Douglas, MD PHD

Reconstructive & Aesthetic Oculoplastic Specialist

With another year beginning, is it time to think about your anti-aging and cosmetic rejuvenation plans? If your face has hollow spots, before you worry about crow’s feet or wrinkles you might want to address your lost facial fullness.

As you age, your face tends to lose fullness as the distribution of your body fat changes underneath your skin. You might find yourself developing deep facial lines and creases, or a hollowed facial appearance. By restoring lost fullness to your face, you can reverse this part of the aging process, giving you a fresher, more youthful appearance.

From his office in Beverly Hills, California, Raymond Douglas, MD, PhD, uses autologous fat grafting to revitalize the face with facial contouring. Here’s what you need to know about this option for restoring facial fullness.

Refresh Your Look With Facial Contouring

When patients ask Dr. Douglas what they can do to refresh and improve their facial appearance, he often suggests starting with facial contouring. For many people, changing their facial shape can restore a more youthful look — and with only an outpatient surgical procedure. 

After your procedure, you may not need any downtime at all, and your results can be both great-looking and long-lasting.

Dr. Douglas offers multiple techniques that can restore your facial youthfulness through adjusting your facial fullness and contouring. With these cosmetic techniques, a little goes a long way, and Dr. Douglas remains attentive to retaining your natural appearance.

How Autologous Fat Grafting Works

You can reach your aesthetic goals using facial injections of fat harvested from your own body. First, Dr. Douglas uses liposuction to remove fat from an area where you don’t want it, such as your abdomen, and then he positions the fat to fill deep lines or round out hollowed contours in your face. 

Autologous fat grafting is a minor surgical procedure that can be done alone or in combination with other cosmetic procedures. Dr. Douglas often performs facial fat transfers for patients receiving orbital decompression surgery due to thyroid eye disease.

Dr. Douglas has other facial contouring options, too. He can remove pads of buccal fat from your cheeks to reduce unwanted jowls using just a small incision inside your mouth. Or he can use a light Botox® injection to target your masseter muscle and narrow your facial contours. 

On the other hand, Dr. Douglas can also contour your facial profile by getting rid of fat. He can reduce a double chin with Kybella® injections that break down fat in the chin over time.

Contact Dr. Raymond Douglas Today for a Consultation!

To learn more about your options for restoring lost facial fullness, get in touch with Raymond Douglas, MD, now. You can schedule your appointment with Dr. Douglas by giving our office a call, or use the online contact form to send us a message.


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