Before & After – Cosmetic Eye Bulging

Cosmetic Bulging Eyes

Cosmetic Bulging Eyes

Beautiful results after cosmetic bulging eyes surgery.

Prominent Eyes

Prominent Eyes

A customized approach to correcting bulging eyes not only improves the patient’s overall appearance but also correct functional issues giving her more comfort.

Prominent Eyes with Eyelid Retraction Repair

Prominent Eyes with Eyelid Retraction Repair

After surgery with another doctor, this patient had eyelid retraction and was unable to properly close her eyes. She also was experiencing severe pain. Dr. Douglas moved her eyes back to create more comfort and a better aesthetic.

Prominent Eyes

Prominent Eyes - Bulging Eyes Surgery

Beautiful results following customized surgery for prominent eyes with Dr. Douglas.

Prominent Eyes

Prominent Eyes

This patient had fantastic results after prominent eye surgery with Dr. Douglas.

Prominent Eyes

Prominent Eyes

After surgery with Dr. Douglas, this patient’s eyes no longer appear to be bulging.

Prominent Eyes with Male Eyelid Revision Surgery

Prominent Eyes with Male Eyelid Revision Surgery

This patient presented with prominent eyes. To make the eyes look more normal, Dr. Douglas lifted the cheek and added volume.